Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Algebra: Variables and Expressions

This week we will be learning about variables and expressions.  You will be assigned to a group and from there you will guide yourself through the activities that I have listed.

5th period
1.VIDEO: Evaluating Expressions
2.VIDEO: Vocabulary Terms for Expressions: Constant, coefficent, variable, terms

Pentagon Group
1. VIDEO: What is a variable?
2. Worksheet:  Solve for the variable (+/-).
3. VIDEO: Why don't we use a multiplication sign in algebra?
4. Mini Lesson: What is a coefficent?  Guiding Video here.
5. Worksheet: Solve for variable (multiplying) (students write using a coefficent underneath given problem.

Square Group
1. VIDEO: Why don't we use a multiplication sign in algebra?
2. VIDEO: Evaluating Expressions
3. Textbook: Solving expressions with coefficents, pg. 453 1-10

Triangle Group
1. VIDEO: Vocabulary Terms for Expressions: Constant, coefficent, variable, terms
2. Worksheet: Expression Vocabulary

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